Step 1
Create a separate environment for your kitten. This first step is crucial because swapping scents is the most significant thing to help your cat and dog meet! As you plan for your kitten, set up a space just for them. You can do this in a bathroom, spare bedroom, closet, or anywhere you can keep them alone and secure.
Their litter box, food, toys, and bed will be in this space. When you bring your kitten home, bring them straight here. Let them live in this space for a day or two. Try keeping your dog away from this space as much as you can in these first couple of days and only allow them to smell the door. You want this time so that the kitten's scent can stick and give them time to get comfortable in their new home.

Step 2
After the first couple of days, you can do a scent swap. The easiest way to do this is to switch the blankets your pets are using. Take the blanket or towel your kitten has been using in their room and bring it to your dog's bed. And do the same thing with your dog's blanket. This will allow your pets to get familiar with each other's scents in a stress-free way and enable them to explore without any pressure.

Step 3
After swapping scents, you can do a more significant scent swap. If your cat's separate space is large enough, you can switch living areas for an hour. Bring your dog into your cat's room and allow your cat to roam around the house, and introduce them to your dog's main living areas. Like their bed, food bowl, favorite toys, and favorite spots to lay in your house.
This is another excellent way to give your pets familiarity with each other in a stress-free manner and not have a full-on face-to-face meeting quite yet. During this step, watch each pet's body language while they explore the new scent. Nothing too crazy should happen here, but it is always good to look out for anything aggressive like hissing, clawing, barking, etc. We recommend doing this step a couple of times, going back and forth.

Step 4
Practice obedience training. This step is for your dog, and it comes before the actual face-to-face meeting. Take the time to practice commands with your dog. This is especially important if your dog is larger than your cat or if you have a very hyper dog.
Without meaning to, a dog could seriously injure a cat just by attempting to play with them. Make sure you are confident your dog can listen to "sit," "stay," and "stop" commands. Always use positive reinforcement and give your dog lots of treats for following these commands!
Step 5
Now it's time for your first face-to-face meeting! You can do this in a controlled way before moving to total freedom. Put your dog on a leash and have them sit and stay in one spot. Then, bring your cat into the room and be patient. Your dog will probably be very excited, while your kitten will be nervous and timid. We recommend having an extra set of hands during this meeting, just in case!
During this meeting, you can also use positive reinforcement by having catnip for your kitten and treats for your dog. Keep your dog in a sit/stay position and reinforce good behavior (being quiet and staying in place) with treats. Let your kitten walk up to them.
If your cat runs away or becomes aggressive, they are not ready, and you can go back to repeat the previous steps. If things are going smoothly, don't rush it! Please repeat this step a few times and be patient as your kitten approaches your dog and as they smell each other.

Step 6
Practice freedom! After your face-to-face meetings go well, you can start letting your cat out of their room and roam the house. For the first couple of days, you can keep your dog on a leash near you so that you have some more control. But, for the most part, this is your last step!
Be patient and let your kitten take the lead. Keep their space, so they always have an escape if needed. This can be your new routine as you wait for both pets to get fully comfortable with each other. Before you know it, you will start noticing your cat get closer and closer to your dog. Remember to keep using positive reinforcement with your dog and practice making them sit/stay near your cat and staying calm.
These steps are here to help the introduction between your kitten and dog. Over time they will get more comfortable and become friends, but you cannot rush this process. Be patient and protect both your pets!